"The only thing people love to see more than a hero succeed is to watch one fail."
I mean, how fucking cool is that??? Not to mention, the fact that it is SO TRUE! Given today's voyeuristic taste of the TV watcher, you have to admit that this should have been on that list. What can I say, I am just that damn cool.
EDIT: By the way, did Spiderman ever listen to Dafoe? Fuck, NO! And look what happened, Dafoe gets killed off for trying to set his ass straight and Maguire went on to make 2 more Spiderman movies, each one getting progressively worse than the last. Where's the fucking justice???
I am the Complaint Department Manager and I approve this addition.
The Wicked Witch of the West, huh? That's interesting. I'm thinking, though. Maybe if that frigging goody 2 shoes witch hadn't stuck her nose into the middle, Dorothy and WWW could have worked something out.......Or not. LOL
Will - I would probably put Paula Deen on there as well as she reminds me of the Wicked Witch of the West woth that cackle laugh of hers. Hell, I dump a bucket on Paula Deen's head just to watch her melt.
I gotta admit, that one I did have to google. LOL
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