Okay, I called it. I always enjoy thumbing through the ads every year for this event and I must say, this year sucked!!! I found only one thing that was really a "killer deal" and I flipped on the news this morning to find out (via live reporting) that the damn thing sold out in minutes. Mind you that I would never fight the crowds for one item, that's just crazy talk. If I had to pick a winner for the best deals, I'd have to pick Home Depot.
I also took note that retailers are opening their doors even earlier than last year. What's next, doors open at 12:01? The earlier hours indicates to me that they also believe that this was going to be a crappy Black Friday and are trying to comp for it. For proving my point, I submit the following evidence: China, oil prices and extremely low consumer confidence that has been going on all year long. It's sad really, the only thing I have to look forward to today is finishing an Economics report and watching football. Retailers, this year, you were really, really bad.
As it stands, the above picture is also what I think about Black Friday this year.