Yesterday I started a job and today I finished it. I'm not proud of it because it just didn't come together right and I was pretty sure I'd be done with this thing in 1 day not 2. I had many set backs and most were not my fault. Planogram wasn't detailed enough, parts were numbered incorrectly, I was shorted parts...you name it, what ever could go wrong, did go wrong. On top of that, my hands and arms look like I got into a game of "slap hands" with Edward Scissorhands. I will say this, the manager I had to work with was great, if it weren't for him, I would have set this bitch on fire:

RARE is the occasion that you get a member of management that is cool, I'm glad I lucked out at this store. I'm tellin' ya, I had matches and highly flammable liquids nearby...I'm just sayin'. I wish I had an easier job like trying to take away a molecule from plastic to make it margarine or something.
I decided to punish myself further by walking 8 miles after I got home and ate something. I'm cut, sore, banged up and I'm so tired that I can't even sleep. I'm also feeling bloated and unattractive right now.
End Bitching
EDIT:Speaking of biting off more than you can chew:

Geez.......I'm glad u are ok. By the looks of the final product, one would never know just how much injury occured!! good job on the 8 mile walk!
Well geeez, that sucks. Hope you have a much better day tomorrow!
Wow - with all those problems and you still got it finished...I am impressed! I will keep the good thought that tomorrow is a better day for you.
8 mile walk? wow! i'm having a hard time being motivated to do 2.
Thats how I feel about going back to school...am I biting off more than I can chew?
Sorry your day caused so much physical emotional and mental stress. Be's that way sometimes : /
The picture of the shark scared the ish out of me.
I woke up this morning still a bit sore and I found a few more places I got cut and didn't know it.
Chatti - For the most part, it was just particle board pieces and I had more give than it did. I try to walk every day I can, no excuses.
Kim - Today I plan on doing for me.
Cali girl - Thanks, I still don't like the "finished" product. Marketing people really have no oversight when seeing through the quality and effeciency of their handy work.
Neenalove - Welcome! Yup, 8 miles. I worked my way up to it. After losing about 35 lbs now, I see that every opportunity I get to walk means that I get a chance to reward myself at the end of the week. Once you get started walking every day, you get used to it and believe it or not feel strange if you don't do it, that's the way it was for me anyway.
Caspar - When you go to class, talk to the instructors. Tell them that you want to know what it takes to do well in their clss. The honesty is appreciated by any worthy instructor. By the way, sit in the front row, it's better that way, trust me. As for my day, just another day in paradise, I'm just a bit pissed off at the manufacturer of the display, glad you liked the shark.
Geez - sorry bro. That's sounds like a lot going on. And that 8-mile walk...dayum! Those 3 miles kill me on the elliptical and you're walking 8! Good for you!
You mean I should be teachers pet ; ) I get it... : )
Sorry about the multiple contusions sustained during your marketing job! You did a FANTASTIC job dude. Your profile says you lived in Afghanistan...are you a soldier?
Darius - Ellipticals give an amount of resistance that's different than just walking around the neighborhood here. The only way for me to equal this to yours would for me to put on ankle weights to emulate an amount of resistance. Besides, when I walk, my mind drifts and before I know it, I'm over halfway done.
Caspar - The Afghanistan thing was a hicup from blogger a very long time ago, I just ran with it, seemed amusing to me.
You're making me feel bad here...I used to run 30 miles a week and I did strength training 3 times a week at least and I looked GOOD! Now run 10 miles a week and don't do much strength training (well, ok, I don't do any strength training) and I look...ok. I don't look GOOD, though, just ok.
Oh well.
8 miles is pretty damn awesome.
I envy you!!! Elliptical does make my calves hard as a rock though. And I sweat like a beast...
Those two photos are FABULOUSly hilarious. They illustrate your point nicely.
I can't believe you walked 8 miles after that. lol You are a sadist, aren't you?!
Glad you didn't start a fire at work. That might not have turned out too well.
I just hop on the arc trainer, set it for 100% difficulty, and let 'er rip. I was doing it an hour at a time, every night... until two weeks ago, when I went to two conferences in a row. I stopped working out and started eating on the University's dime, with drastic consequences for my waistline. Xuggh. I did 45 minutes tonight. I have a long way to go. And that is my complaint for tonight.
Look man, its Saturday August 17. Surely you have something else to complain about? Your last post was Wednesday August 13: )
Get a move on!!!
Although, I am fairly certain I won't have any energy to post when classes start...
Caspar - AY!!! I've been busy, I'm gettin' there.
"Although, I am fairly certain I won't have any energy to post when classes start..."
You got that right, girlfriend...recognize.
Oh, right. You kids are gonna be too busy studying to post bilge to teh internets. I suppose none of you drink, either.
BYG - I have been known to ignore the blog during Fall and Spring semesters, and I ain't much of a drinker these days, it hurts too damn much the next day. Besides, I kill any more brain cells, I'll be on par with that of a head of lettuce.
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