Yesterday was the first day of school for me and I've been a bit preoccupied. Evidently, David Beckham knows preoccupied all too well. I can't complain too much right now, my Quantum Business Statistics instructor is mucho caliente! I'll go over her figures ANY day.
He really does need to control his drooling when Victoria's with him....
OMG...why in the hell would VB be insecure??? That just goes to show that we, women, are never satisfied with our looks!!
School! I wondered where you were! Good luck with the new semester!
And so you enjoyed the thick groups of idiot ants roaming the sidewalks in search of a classroom? I hate the first two weeks of the semester because all the new babies are out wandering and getting in the way.
Fortunately, I have all night classes so I miss that.
Good Luck to you with school. You're gonna have a GREAT year!
Jack - DUDE! FOR REAL! Especially when some of those dorks that walk slow with their dork friends KNOWING there are people behind them trying to get through. What makes it worse is one of those assholes is smoking.
Cali girl - DON'T JINX ME!
VB is a boney b---- who purges to keep her stick figure a perfect size -4 (less than zero, she can fit into Gap Kids clothes). Maybe if Mrs. Beckham ate a sandwich every now and then - and kept the food down - she might have an ass of her own that her husband could look at...he already cheated on her with the Nanny for God's sake.
I actually walked out of the class, out of the building and off campus with my Macro Economics Professor because we were engaged in such an awesome conversation that I forgot he was my professor. He was a vp at Citibank and traveled all over the world before being hand picked by the FED until he retired and now he teaches...because he loves enlightening folks on the power of the almighty dollar.
I didnt make it to my accounting class and will be e-mailing my professor and the Chair Woman of the Adult Degree Program this evening as a result...the whole story will be posted on my blog...
Best of luck this year at school.
You're know that, right?
Good luck w/your semester sir!
Those pics are funny! I have to say those women are way hotter than Victoria. I can't blame him for looking.
Sheesh. That guy is so good lookin'.
You never visit me anymore! Too busy with school?
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