I also can't believe that all 4 of my classes decided to issue homework over the holiday. Nothing but busy work for me, I hate that shit! This wasn't the holiday that I hoped for. I couldn't be more frustrated if I was stuck on a deserted island with a bottle of blue pills and Ann Coulter. (I just admitted to having a homosexual thought...SHE'S A MAN, BABY!)
Damn profs anyway. If it makes you feel any better, I've been updating my freaking lecture notes all weekend.
Waaaah, waaaah, waaaah.
In real life, you'll find yourself working a lot of holidays. If you're especially fortunate, like me, they might pay you double time and a half.
I had homework too - lol...and um, ain't nothing wrong w/having homosexual moments! Nothing at all - I have them all the time.
I haven't had homework in more than 14 years. I don't even remember what it's like! Well, yes I do. My son gets homework now, so that means I have homework, too. But at least it's HIS homework, not mine!
Unfortunately, welcome to the fall semester. And when it comes to that Coulter thing, I think you get a pass on the homosexual thought! I wouldn't tell a soul...
Drink through it.
LOLLLLLLLL.....I watched your little cartoon a million times and laughed my azz off!!
I have tons of paperwork to do on a daily basis...but I am sorry you couldn't enjoy your holiday as planned. Keep the faith. You'll ace those exams when they come around. Its good for you...builds character or some sh&t like that!
Well, it wouldn't be the Complaints Department unless you were griping about something. :)
I had a paper to write for one class. Psych was canceled on Saturday, I never made it to my accounting class because no one knew where the class was...
This is so much fun.
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