Submitted by Jason from Life of Jason. I couldn't resist this myself if I saw this. Found in Republic, Mo., now I'm not going to advocate this, but if the tires were to somehow be flat by the time this dumbass got back to their gas hog, I would be forced to laugh...possibly uncontrollably. I would dare say that even the dip shit in front of this douchebag has some skills that are lacking. Come to think of it, does anybody in Republic know how to park a large vehicle?
Jason, that better not be your vehicle in front of that thing. Sandy knows that I don't cut even local bloggers any slack.(Sorry Sandy, the temptation was TOO great)
Nope...I was in my car when I took the picture. :)
This jack*ss is just wanting to be hit. I swear, if someone did that, I would have the store call them out to move their piece of sh*t car outta the way.
I'm thinking I would just repeatedly ram this truck at low speed, as if I didn't understand why I wasn't able to move forward through the parking lot unimpeded.
someone should have urinated all of the drivers side door handle.
I meant all over the drivers side door handle
Hey...that's my car.
Welcome literaldan, I understand...really, I do.
Emiline, what the hell you doin' in Republic? Ain't Ozark good 'nuff fer ya?
Emilines' car but I was drivin'. You got a problem wit dat??
Oh, crap.
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