I just couldn't resist and I'll even let their imagination run wild with what to title this photo. Along the way, there were MANY photo ops but, I was trying to get to Sikeston and I'm REALLY big on making time on the road, just ask sis. I know one thing, if John Lee was driving, I'd probably kill his ass because I know he would stop at every single thing that I saw and take photos. Granted, when there isn't a race against the clock, I'd be more than happy to oblige , but...
Anyway, I get about 30 minutes outside of Sikeston and I give Darius a call to see how far away he was. The fucker was ALREADY THERE! I couldn't believe it, he had to be hittin' birds in the ass flying that fast from Chi-town. I did get to meet him though and we did get to chat for a while. Darius is a great guy and I look forward to him visiting the S.W. Mo area sometime in the near future. You're a top notch guy, Darius. I stand before you humbled in your expeditious ability.
Well, I leave Sikeston and stop a few miles down the road to get gas at a Flying J. First, they had 92 octane jet fuel and reasonably priced. Second, they had Pibb on tap! There's just one problem. Perhaps you all remember my love/hate relationship with Pibb? What can I say other than, "What can Brown do for you?" Before stopping though, I had this dipshit cut me off and almost turn the Stinger Missile into the Stinger Suppository:

The truck next to me there HAD to get into that lane because this asshole hit his brakes as well...and there was no need for it! Trust me.
Moving on, I get into N.Little Rock at 3 straight up. Since I made good time, I thought I'd go scour the area and see how much has changed. In 5 years, the place has changed A LOT! I couldn't believe it. So, without any further or due, here's my scouring and scarfing report:
First for some God forsaken reason, I felt compelled to visit the MAIN CAMPUS of ALLTEL...or Verizon now. I visited this building a number of times while working for them for a number of reasons and occasions. The first photo is of buildings 3 and 4 (in that order):

No joke, building 3 is on the left and four is that big monstrosity in the middle with the logo. More on that in a bit. The next photo is buildings 4, 2 and 1 (again, in that order):

Apparently, when Alltel built the first 3 buildings, they realized that they needed a fourth one and they also realized that there was plenty of room between buildings 2 and 3. So, they built it and named it building 4 regardless of the silliness. I'm not making this shit up, you just can't.
Next I want to talk about Murry's Dinner Playhouse off Asher and University:

The good people of Murray's allowed me to come into their place of business and take photos when they weren't even open, this was a VERY nice and Very cool thing for them to do as I got some great photos out of the visit. The first 2 photos are of the main dining area. If you look in the middle you'll see a stage, this is where the performers come on and put on a comedy play before you get served dinner and then they finish up after you've eaten:

and from the other side of the room:

Let me tell you a great thing about this place. The absolute BEST time to go here is during New Year's Eve. The place always sells out and it sells out LONG before Halloween JUST for that time alone. Sis can vouch for that as the only way I even found out about this place was through her suggesting that I go with her and my Brother-in-law sometime ago. I've been there 3 times since then and it has been a blast every single time. Here's another shot taken of the buffet and bar area. During the New Year's show, after the play is over and just after midnight, they serve you BREAKFAST! No shit:

Now, time for me to eat something. This just wouldn't be a real trip to Little Rock if I didn't stop by Shotgun Dan's Pizza:

Springfield Pizzerias could learn a TREMENDOUS amount from these people about how to do pizza. They have the absolute BEST PIZZA in the area and it's at a great price for the quality. I ate a 10" pizza by myself and add to that a glass of sweet tea and I only paid $11. Not only that, while I was leaving, they asked me if I wanted a sweet tea to go. Hell yeah, I do! Check out the before meal photo:

My apologies for the quality of pixelation, I didn't want to bust out the camera and look like a total tourist, so I used the camera phone. Well, here's the after photo:

Just take a look at this little beauty:

Now for some bad news. Ever hear of a Mexican restaurant called Casa Bonita? South Park created an episode about it sometime back. Anyway, Little Rock had it's own branch called Casa Viva. Bad news here is the place shut down:

Think of this place as a Chuck E Cheese for cholos. The food wasn't that bad. It was all you can eat plus it had the gameroom and Mariachis. I really wanted to hit this place before leaving, but oh well.
Anyway, this is all I have for now. I thought about nabbing some photos of Dillard's HQ here , but I just couldn't warm up to the idea. I'm starting fresh tomorrow to get Day 2 photos of the road edition. Sorry about getting this out so late, but with all the photos and my connection being as slow as it is, this is all I had time for. Just so you know, I started this at 6 PM and it's now almost 9 PM now. I'm wiped out and I need some sleep or the hot tub downstairs. I hope you enjoy my romp through the Rock.
You have all the fun and all I get is a lousy phone call! ;-) Glad you're having a good time!
Oh, ummm....so sorry about the purple paint in the freezer. And...you're out of bananas.
Nothing's better than a road tirp!
Well, maybe a road trip is better.
I dunno, a road tirp sounds like fun. ;-) Better then a road twit or a road tip!
Hey CDM:
Glad you are having fun. Appreciate the photo of that hearse. Working up something now.
Enjoy yourself and remember to stop and smell the roses, but watch out for the fertilizer.
Be safe my man.
Awww...thanks for the compliment. That put a huge smile on my face...I'm such a sucker for a compliment.
CDM, was that a Lotus parked in the weeds? My God, I would have that thing in a garage with a car cover over it, not parked in the weeds like an abandoned Ford Pinto.LOL.
I enjoyed the pics of the trip. Great photography, beautiful and scenic sites.
In this post, next to the hearse was a camaro. A few posts up, you'll see a Lambo Countach, I think it's a kit car though, I've seen Lambos and there's just something off about this one, but I didn't get real close to it so I really can't be sure. By the way, for as long as I know, that car has been in the weeds for MANY years, I've seen it there not moving an inch since I can't remember when.
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