This is so true. I must say that I am probably one of THE most finicky eaters on the planet. I hate veggies with a passion and thus a lot of experiences are lost on me. Take for instance the "Best Hot Dog" in Chicago. I sampled 3 different places with the closest to ordering the same style and toppings as possible. In the end, it really didn't make a difference to me. Here's even more detail, I started off a local hot dog vendor in Downtown Chicago by the Field Museum:

It's common knowledge that if you buy food from the street, try to find a vendor that keeps a consistent line and that was this one. When I got up to order, I just ordered a regular hot dog, just meat and the bun(I like it that way...sometimes) and here's what I got:

Mind you, I dig the poppy seed bun, it's different. Talk to some hot dog aficionados and you you might start a fight over which is better, plain or poppy seed. The damn thing cost $3.50, I'm on vacation so cost doesn't mean that much to me.The hot dog these people use up here on the streets and in some restaurants are from Vienna Beef. I guess the mob has a say in who gets what for suppliers. Anyway, gotta tell ya, it was pretty good but still, IT'S A FRIGGIN' HOT DOG! Chicago style calls for mustard, onions, sweet nuclear relish, tomato and a pickle spear that runs the length of the hot dog. Needless to say, I wasn't havin' any of that.
On to the next contestant. Later that evening, I took the Metra train back to Lombard where I was staying. Right by the station, there's a 7-11 and at this place I was a bit hungry so I opted for yet another hot dog. I rolled in passing by Jay and Silent Bob who have been standing outside this place for a few days now, and got this:

Now THIS is my idea of a hot dog. Angioplasty is an option, just thought I'd throw that out there. No doubt performed by Jay and Silent Bob as they will also be selling you your prescrips. All that aside, this thing was great and cost me half what the in-town special cost, plus I believe it was Oscar Meyer. Still, it was missing a little somethin' sumshin'.
Next day, rolled up on to the Navy Pier and found a place called
America's Dog. They have a shit load of hot dogs named after cities that run the gambit as far as toppings go and I found mine, "The Green Bay Dog":

Nothing but the dog and cheese, BUT it had a poppy seed bun. NOW I am happy. It was perfect and ironically cost in between what the 7-11 constipation monster was and what the museum mugging cost me.
I am the Complaint Department Manager and I approve this cardiac arrest to go.