What's next, used toilet paper, suppositories or Maxi pads??? Get your shit straight folks, that's just plain...EEEEWWWWWW!!!
If I were them, I'd feel like total dicks right now. I don't know if proofing makes a vas defrens to them, but it does to me. What a bunch of pricks!
The pun punk card has been thrown, will you dare to prick it up?
While in eighth grade at the catholic school, it always made the boys laugh when the good sisters would tell us to put our rubbers on when it was raining outside.
Remember the sign when Notre Dame played USC in football? "Trojans Won't Last A Period"
you're a sick freeeaakkkkkk!!!
and as my comment veers on the side of sick freakishness, I would just like to state that colleges run quite the racketeering production with the cost of those damn books in the book stores. Over $600 worth of books so far for only four classes. And thats USED on Amazon!!!
what about Tampax tampons using the Gap Bands WHIP IT BABY song during a commercial that featured a marching band...what a disgrace...
"don't let it drip..."
Eh, don't lose your head over it. ;-)
Wow, everyone has such stealthy comments ... I didn't see them coming.
I think everyone is just being careful. They don't want to violate any penial codes.
lol! you guys made me giggle!
That's too funny. I'm surprised more people haven't caught on to this!
At the NY Ren. Faire they used to have a mud show where the mud beggars divided the audience into teams of Spartans and Trojans. Each side had it's own chant. The Trojans chant was "Trojans, Trojans, WE WILL NEVER BREAK! UGH!"
OMG....order it USED?
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