I caught sight of an article about Tila Tequila and, of course, how she's a talentless hack. Want a shot at love with Tila? You better get a shot of penicillin while you're at it. Honestly, if MTV wanted to show how a token Asian sells her soul, they should have shown Julie Chen's wedding photos and had it wrapped up in 15 minutes...or less. This whole thing got me to thinking about how bad MTV sucks. After all, who watches MTV anymore? People who have no life? Wankers who spank the monkey to anime porn? Who knows and who cares? MTV has been tanking for a long time in the ratings because they keep pushing the envelope on the "shock" factor and once it gets old they keep finding some new shit to sling on you, literally. This whole reality TV thing has got to go. Every time I change the channel there's yet another reality TV show on and it is slowly dropping my IQ for just a moment of witnessing such a fuctasrophe.
I wonder who is to really blame for all of this? Should Les Garland have stuck around to make sure that what he built didn't get turned to jizz pile (and I mean that literally as well)? He left as "The Real World"(aka the real source of the shit) started and took off. Let's be real, this whole soft porn/Girls Gone Wild side of MTV is old...WAY OLD!!! If you're a fan boy (or girl) of this kind of shit, do me and the rest of the actual world a favor and get a fucking life! I hate MTV for totally fucking up a good thing that was working and now they're seeing the results of it. The sorry ass excuse of network doesn't even show videos any more, so what does the "M" stand for now? Moron? Actually, I believe it to be Marketing, because that is all that it is now, a marketing sham and those stupid and weak willed enough will follow its mundane beat right off the cliff with the rest of the mentally masturbating lemmings.
This is what I get for clicking on a Tila Tequila sucks article. FUCK YOU MTV!!!
Y'know, I can actually remember when there was music on MTV. It's never been the same since Martha Quinn left.
I agree with the good Dr. I remember when MTV first started, video killed the radio star and all that good stuff. But then, I like singing cows.
why wont they just play music videos that what the people want not those fucking dumb shows Iwill never watch ity till they do
I Live In Dubai and within 3 months ADCB Dance & G to Gentlemen has repeated 4 times up to date from August to now. Does MTV have nobody to check their programs or do they need people to work or have they gone on Bankruptcy. What is going on with MTV in Dubai. If you cannot put any programs just put the Damn Music without repeating programs.
We need more damn videos and that's what "Music Television" was meant for..
Just watched a section on the Olympics - boasting about Husain Bolt being all tome legend, what about Michael Phelps??
I'm not American but common guys, give credit when credit is due and include all or are you all self centered?
They play no music. They aren't even about music anymore. I love music videos and now if I want to watch as well as listen I have to go to YouTube or fuhshniZZle, which streams YouTube Music without video commercials and integrates with Discogs.com (turns entire albums into music video playlists) Evryone know youtube but if you dont know fuhshnizzle: http://www.fuhshniZZle.com
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