First off, yes, I'm alive and doing much better. Thanks to all of you who actually gave a ...no 2 craps about me. Enough crap about me, I saw this story this morning and couldn't help but be ashamed of those who live in a world of denial about their history. Absolut ran this ad in Mexico and it just happened to outrage a lot of U.S. citizens(notice, I didn't say Americans...think about it). The map is the Mexican territory BEFORE the Spanish-American war circa 1948, by the way. To anyone who is offended by this ad, grow up and get a life. I'll even enclose a coupon so you can get one. If you don't like this map, you're really gonna think the civil war era sucks, especially if you live in the south(here's a hint, they loose).Even the Emancipation Proclamation(which still isn't too popular in many parts of say northern Arkansas) will be a bit of a downer. Look, if you don't like the ad, TURN THE PAGE! More than likely, those who really didn't like this ad are giving the Swedish company want they don't want them to have which is more attention. For what it's worth, I actually like the ad, it makes a statement and does something most ads don't, it makes you think.
Here's your coupon, by all means, spend it all in one place.

I liked the ad...you're right, it does make you think. I've always enjoyed a little revisionist history anyway.
Glad you're back!
Actually, it's a pre-1836 map, befor Texas declared its independence from Mexico. Remember the Alamo, and all that.
My wife thinks that anyone (me) who drinks anything that is colorless and tasteless (vodka) is an idjit sometimes.
I actually won a taste test of several different vodkas: (and I know I am not going to spell them all right) Stolyocharotyabalsov, Ketel One, Belevedere, Grey Goose, McCormicks, Gilbey's and Absolut.
I correctly identified each brand correctly and proceeded to fall on my face. But I think I had fun.
I've never been much of a vodka person, although I do like chocolate martini's, which are made with either vodka or gin, depending on where you go. I rarely have those, though. I normally drink beer and wine and that's usually about it. Margaritas (on the rocks, I hate the frozen shit) are good, too.
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Comp guy, Rule number one for me is, nobody talks about blogroll. Rule number two, NOBODY TALKS ABOUT BLOGROLL! Rule number three, obey all rules.
Gotta love those bots.
By the way BP, last time I had a tatse test with vodka, my liver and kidney where next to me as I woke up and they called me a prick!
Well, hello! We have TWO kidneys for a reason, sheesh! One is just for back up. Now, as for the liver? What the hell? We should have two of those too! Stupid evolution, dragging it's damn heels.
Whiner Girl, that's where you are lucky. I only have 1 kidney and was born that way. Life sucks for me, what can I say?
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