Try this one out: You're up in space...alone...no plumber...and the shitter's full!!! Not to mention, it's the only one. Calls have already been made to the residence of Randy Quaid to make the trip up and kick them turds to the curb. Grab your Meister Brau and stogies, don't forget to shake your hose.
I'm glad I'm not an astronaut. What a load of crap!
That's gotta suck! Talk about being in a bind!
No shit...
Ok - the old say goes - if they can send a man to the moon.......
Sheesh, you'd think this would be the one thing that they would check, double check and then check again, to make sure it works. Yuck.
That's really a shitty situation!
If I were them, I'd be feeling a bit flush by now.
The shit is really gonna hit the fan now!
Okay, potty mouth.
When they land do you think they'll land in FLUSHING, NY? ;-)
Well...I'm just going with the flow, here.
These puns are going down the drain.
Don't know about where they'll land, but when they get off, I'm sure they'll be pissed
Oh, the SMELL!!!
Yeah...but it's a gas.
Light a match, it works!
Holy Shit!
Meister Brau? They still brew that swill? I haven't seen any since I moved down here to Hillbilly Heaven. That stuff would give anybody the shits...
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