Seems like not so long ago, I was admitting to how fat I was. A few days after making that post I actually went up to 214. I had plans of an exercise regiment, but then with school starting and having 2 jobs, where would I find the time let alone the energy? I even thought about going back to lifting weights...but they're so damn heavy! So, a few more days later, I hear talk of people modifying their eating habits. They were people who did the whole 3 square a day routine and were still not making progress on weight loss. A dietitian came on and said their metabolism is stuck in the same gear and needed to be unstuck. She then suggested that they jump start their metabolism by eating more meals a day with fewer calories. I actually became very intrigued by the idea, so I tried it as well.
Here it is not quite 6 months later and I lost a total of...(token drum roll)...26 POUNDS! Yes, it was exciting to see 188, a weight I haven't seen in almost 2 years. Hell, I can see my feet too! Damn they're big! I use to have more rolls than a pack of Pillsbury crescents, looks like they're gone now. Best part is, I didn't even exercise that much at all. This summer however, I will be toning up and get back to my early 20's shape. My diet consisted of eating 5-6 meals a day and not going over 300 calories if at all possible. I never felt deprived as I was eating every 2 1/2 to 3 hours. Hell, now a days, I don't pay much attention to the actual ingredients as much as I eye ball the serving size and calorie count.
DISCLAIMER: Just because this works for me, doesn't mean it's ideal for all. Check with your doctor of course and see if she/he approves. I felt this necessary to say as I tried lots of methods and this seemed to be the only thing I could stick with.
Congratulations! I know how daunting it can be to lose weight. When I set out to drop extra ton-age I did it with the mindset of making it a lifetime thing.
NutriSystem jumpstarted my ability to eyeball sensible portion sizes. I powerwalk because it clears my head and I feel such a rush while doing it.
Oh yeah, 300 calories? I am guessing not over 300 calories per eating session?
Ah, right you are as it is per meal and not the whole day. That would be Olsen Twins diet plan.
You'd be surprised at how many people haven't caught on, on how to read those labels on the side and get portion size info. Glad you mentioned mind set as well, as it is very important to wanting to make that change.
Good job! :-)
Hey, that's great, man! You gotta go with what works, and it looks like you came up with a winner. It probably wouldn't work for me, as I'd just eat and not give a damn about the calories after a week or so, and I'd end up over 500 pounds.
I thought the Olsen Twins diet plan consisted of a certain white powder...
Doc, it's all about accountability, I even kept myself honest by writing down what I ate and used a calculator to see with my own eyes how much I was taking in. No pun intended, but it was a real eye opener for me.
As for the diet AND white powder, I believe you are thinking of Kate Moss, no worries, as it is a common mistake.
Many congrats! Now that you can see your feet you'll know when it's time to cut your toe nails! I'll bet you can even reach 'em now ...
Hey, congratulations!
I changed things up last year and dropped 40 almost without even really trying. The biggest change I made was eating a fresh spinach salad every day for lunch.
I then got sick with Lyme disease and a very unexpected pregnancy that didn't end well and that put an end to the weight loss, but I've not gained any back.
It's amazing how much better I feel. After vacation next week, I plan to crack down again.
Congrats!! Damn, it sux to be ME right now! I'm still trying your diet method, but I've been so stressed lately that I have been eating everything in sight except the tires on my vehicle!
CDM--you inspire me. Seriously, I weigh 2 dam much, since I quit the fags, almost 230-240 depending on how much tonic water I drink.
If you can do , by god, so can I
It just that beer tastes so good in styrofoam cups.
BP, haven't heard smokes being called fags in a long time. As I stated earlier, you may want to check with a doctor first and bounce the idea off of 'em and get his .02. Now the beer, I may have something for you. Have you tried Beck's Premier Light? Expensive, but it's good and only 64 calories a bottle. Can't guarantee how it will tatse out of the styro-cups.
Bud Light is good and fairly low cal! :-)
I can't believe I'm saying that. I used to be such a beer snob, and now I always have Bud Light unless I'm out somewhere, when I'll have something else like Harp or Red Oak.
Tysgirl, I'm sorry to hear that you had a hard time. Hope things are going better!
I've decided I want to get rid of 10 pounds. I think the new Synthroid dose is helping me do just that! I was 110 pounds before I got pregnant 7 years ago. Now I'm 140. I think 130 would be nice.
Most light beers are 110 calories for 12 oz. That Becks though, man, 64. It's almost a two-for kinda thing. BP, I hope you're still watchin'.
OK, I'm going to try this method, combined with walking to work all summer. If only I could afford a personal trainer...
Congrats on your weight loss! That's awesome!!
Different things work for different people, and as long as you're still being healthy, I say do what works!
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