Saturday, May 31, 2008

A Week Of Regrets???

That was the name Yahoo gave to their story on the front page this morning. I read it and just rolled my eyes. How is it that these are so called "regrets"? I give some examples:

1. Sharon Stone's comment on China. Did she really say that with malice and intent? How many of you out there actually thought the same thing to yourself with all that was going on. The simple fact that even if a similar passing thought went though your mind puts you in the same boat as her. Yes, a lot of innocent people were killed, but as passionate as Sharon Stone is about certain hot button issues, it just kind of boiled over and slipped out. When I heard it, I really didn't think it was such a big deal. Am I insensitive or just not super sensitive like some people who just have a dire need to be outraged over someone in the spotlight saying something scandalous. Face it, a lot of people have that need to be outraged over something...anything! I ain't one of 'em, I have a life.

2. Hillary Clinton's remark about Obama and RFK. BIG DEAL! She made a comparison and it happened to be during the same time Teddy was in the hospital, boo hoo. Again, this was over hyped and given to a public who needed to be outraged over something...anything!

3. Rachael this even a controversy??? What in THE Hell people? Leave my girl alone let the ad air and go buy some doughnuts. NOBODY owes anyone an apology over this matter, except those who made a big deal over it. There were a lot of people coming out on TV and in news stories showing their outrage that she wore a symbol of oppression...yeah, as we all know, that's what Rachael Ray is all about...OPPRESSION! Get over it, it's a scarf. If Vladimir Putin starts wearing Dale Jr. T-shirts, does that mean Jr. will be a symbol of tyranny? Just another example of people who need to be outraged over something...ANYTHING!(Do you see a trend here?)

Intent is the key thing here and not one of those mentioned had an intent to do harm to anyone or anything. To me this is nonsense and drivel. Anyone who saw any of these people as being worthy of scorn ought to be ashamed of themselves for being the super sensitive boob that they truly are. I am soooo tired of a trigger happy media putting out these kinds of stories then following them up with talkshow segments so they can analyze them over and over and find some hidden meaning. This week I say piss on the media and by all means...GET OVER IT!!!


Chatterness said...

I am sooo with ya on this one. I'd like to smash all 3 tvs in my house so I won't have to hear these ridiculous things being played out continously. YAWN.

California Girl said...

WooHoo! Right On! I agree totally!!!

Anonymous said...

My I ad something? I want to ad a complaint about assholes who are posting on my blog about a supposedly racist cartoon I posted. It's not, those people are reading something into it that's not there, and I can't stand it. And I don't give a damn it they read this! Why do people insist on making mountains out of molehills?

Marissa said...

I screech regularly about the hyper-sensivity about inane subjects. It's a diversion from the true matters at hand. Like, does Carrie marry Big? (ha)

Whiner Girl said...

Amen, Brutha Man!!! Whoop whoop and all that $h!t ... and WTF about the cartoon @ Poppin's??? Oy, what is this world comning to?

The CDM said...

Guys, This is why this post exists, I had enough after reading the article. Didn't think I'd find an example to support my post so soon, thanks Kim, for bringing it to light.

Anonymous said...

When did everyone in this country get so sensitive? Geeesh.

Coby said...

Dammit! I am just to friggin mad at the world!!!! Who said what to whom and all that G! Or so Flavor Flav would say! People in this country, or should I say journalists have a need to report on anything and everything...........By the way my guilty pleasure needs to know about Big and carrie! lol. Great post!

The CDM said...

Coby, welcome to the jungle.

I've come to a decision, I'm not going to buy anything Dunkin' Donuts has to offer because they were chicken shit and pulled the ad. I won't support any company that caves on something this stupid.

Kim, I made my comment on your matter and chose my words carefully. It's funny to watch people backpedal and jump to yet more silly conclusions.

Marissa, you and my sister are in the same Sex and the City boat.

Anonymous said...

Yepper, it is funny to watch. People amuse me.

Mary said...

Some people, besides being STUPID, aren't happy unless they have something to bitch about. I'm just sorry Dunkin Donuts felt they had to cave in. Bad move!

Jason said...

Yeah, it's like when certain pockets of folks went bat-s*** over the Mike Huckabee ad that may have had a cross in the background. You just have to roll your eyes at some of this crap.