I have a little saying that is spelled out nicely to the right of the blog and now I have the perfect caption. There's a big difference in debating an issue and just plain talkin' shit. Doesn't matter who you are, but most importantly this is for those who post anonymously and then bolt. When you put yourself out there and find yourself about to throw down a punk card on someone, think twice before you do, you're just going to look like these posers pictured.
So, to all those brave anonymous commenters out there I say, "Don't start none...there won't be none." Get a blog and get known, please.
Signed, The Management
Big wusses who comment anonymously. Get a rope!
I hate anon commenters too - which is why I disabled that feature on my comment section. Only known people can comment.
You tell em CDM!!!
Oh, gotta love those anonymous commenters Idiotic wimps who are probably 40 something years old and living in their parent's basement while jerking off to pictures of Sarah Michelle Gellar! Anonymous commenters are the reason I put site meter on my site. I still can't tell who they are but I can get an idea of where they are and their IP address!
Those are the kind of people that do web searches for "purging a dogs anal gland"!
Kim----and just what is wrong with that?
Anon, any reason you aren't saying who the hell you are?
I disabled the anon comments on my blog - one person was too many and after they gave me some bs about my post and thensaid how much they wanted me to contact them and how sorry they were for something [god only knows what] I said enough. I still don't know who this chicken shit person was and anon people are just people too scared to put themselves out there.
We all take a chance when writing out for the world to see, but to comment and be a wimp about it, thats just wrong. Identify yourselves folks.
Amen! I let anons post, but I rarely respond to them as I would someone who can suck it up and have an identity.
Yeah I had one dude leave eat a dick on my blog about 10 times
cause he was sooo cool *rolls eyes*
the bitchassness needs to cease and desist especially with the whole anonymous posting charade...
stand down punks...
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