By the looks of the credit card statement, it's been 28 days since the shit started...and now shows signs that it is ending. I don't know about you, but June is the "OFFICIAL MONTH OF SUCK"! But funny thing is, My luck started changing EXACTLY on July 1. I'll give great examples on the coincidence. This past Saturday(still in the month of June) I was doing some tedious yard work, when something told me to turn around. What I saw was a far away look at this:

Just more icing on the crap cake of June. Well, July 1 rolls around and low and behold, I get a guy from one of the Subaru forums(had to have been an adult) who wants to buy my performance parts. Thinking this was too good to be true, I called him on it and sent him my price to have it shipped to his home. Not even an hour later he agrees and a little later, I got paid. I was in total shock to say the least. Dude got a great deal and I got what I needed. On the same day, a roofer came by to give me an estimate on repairing my improvised repair job I did to the roof. Guy tells me that it won't be necessary unless I really wanted it to be done and he also gave my roof the once over and found it to be in great shape, again I was shocked. Not only did he assure me that my work was adequate, but that he was honest enough to tell me the rest of the roof was tip top. To top that off, I had purchased a DVR that "ceased to be" and I had an extended warranty on it. They told me it couldn't be fixed, so they refunded me THE ENTIRE PURCHASE PRICE! I had this thing for 2 years and I get the whole enchilada. Keep in mind, this was all on the same day. So, instead of money going out, it is finally coming in. Like the saying goes, "What a difference a day makes."
I'm glad your luck is changing. Here's to July being a great month for you!!
may the luck gods look kindly on you! No way but up from here!
Ain't that the damn truth?!?! Thanks guys
Wow...that rocks man! I'm so glad to hear you have more than crap flowing downhill at you. :)
I feel like sayin' it again:
Ain't that the damn truth?!?!
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