Thursday, January 29, 2009

Police Don't Always Make For the Best Examples, But...

Oh, there are many ways I could go with this and I'm sure a lot of you have ideas and various examples of your own. My example is this, cell phone usage. You see, today I had to do my rounds in S.W. Mo. and in doing so I saw a couple of Highway Patrol and State Troopers using the cell phone while driving. As you know, you aren't supposed to do that and in some states, you can be cited for it. My question is this, what do I get for stopping a cop?

Believe this or not not, I have the utmost respect for the police, I knew quite a few in Arkansas(for various reasons). So, I hope this doesn't come off as some sort of slight against our local officials. What I do hope is that maybe next time by writing this post, myself and others who read this, may take this as a reminder to keep the cell phone camera or any other camera ready as to take a picture for posterity.

Here's how you should be able to use this new found power. First, some background. You know how if you get pulled over by a cop, there comes a time that they simply just let you go for whatever reason? Well, this is how you use that new power. You should be able to call this in, find a way to find out about this cop and then decide for yourself if you should turn him in. A judgement call, pure and simple. Now, you could just say piss on all that and just turn him in anyway, it's your call(pun intended).

I am the Complaint Department Manager and I approve this message.


Anonymous said...

I think cops are exempt from the the no cell phone while driving laws, but I'm not sure. You're right, though - they shouldn't be talking on the cell phone, either, unless it's a hands free.

What pisses me off is when cops don't use turn signals. Nobody down here uses turn signals, except me, I think! Why don't people use turn singles? Are we just all supposed to be mind readers?

The Short (dis)Order Cook said...

Ooh. I like that idea. Very devious.

I wish I could have turned in that cop who flashed his lights behind me at a red light so I'd move over, only to run the red light and drive on, turning off the lights. To me that was quite an extreme abuse of power.

MJ said...

What I see the most is they turn their blue lights on because they dont want to set at a stoplight. They flip them on and then turn them off after they are through. I saw this once and then I caught up with the officer and they were pulling in a restaurant to see their cop buddies. Where was the fire I wonder?

Anonymous said...

Hey, wait, talk about abuse of power...I had a guy pull me over for running a red light. I hadn't run it and I argued with him. He finally asked me where I was coming from, and I told him work, which was at a local bookstore. He told me he was going to let me go but that he'd be watching me. The next day he showed up at my work and was starring at me. Creepy!

dr sardonicus said...

Oh, I can see the headlines now: "SW Missouri Man Gets Crap Beat Out Of Him After Photographing Cop Using Cell Phone..."

The CDM said...

Doc, I do believe I mentioned it as some sort of an option.

Jenn said...

You have a playlist. I did not know this. I normally surf with the volume off. I can honestly say that Barry White in Combo with Guns and Roses Paradise city (on my plug in MP3) filtering through my headphones was the oddest thing.