Friday, December 10, 2010

Westboro Church Should Be Burnt To the Ground!!!

Preferably, with the pastor in it!

You know, I'm all for free speech, but this goes BEYOND human decency. There are things in life you just don't do and that includes making an ass of yourself at a funeral...regardless if you know that person or not!

The Westboro dominion of Hell has decided to protest at Elizabeth Edwards funeral Saturday. By the way, that link goes to Faux News and their reporting of this despicable act. Most people are egregiously offended by their actions(that goes for Westboro church as well). What my angle on this is, what do people"Christians" who hate Liberals so much think about this protest? Kinda makes ya think a bit, don't it?(me, speaking in their vernacular...and will continue to do so)

I'm going to tell you something, I NEVER LIKED THESE MOTHERFUCKERS!!! I'd feel the same even if they protested the funeral of "the fallen one" Cheney(God forbid anything happens to his Darthness, of course).

In the words of Mr. Garrison, " You go to Hell Mr.Phelps! You go to Hell and you DIE!". Of course, this also goes for those dumb flockers in you realm of Hell that hold those signs.

I digress. I am MOST displeased with these....(whatever the Hell you want to call these people). I DO NOT APPROVE!!!

I am the Complaint Department Manager and I just want to say one last time, "YOU GO TO HELL, MR. PHELPS! YOU GO TO HELL AND YOU DIE!!!"


Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

I saw this story today, CDM, and I almost puked. If Mr. Edwards himself has any integrity (which, yes, I know, that itself an open question), he'd run on over to 'em and punch their frigging lights out.

The CDM said...

Will - Define "integrity". Also, when I mention "Liberals", I meant anyone who recognizes the emancipation proclamation as being a good idea.

My apologies for any confusion that may have caused.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

I wasn't thinking liberal or conservative here, CDM. I, like you, was just voicing my outrage at this despicable bunch of losers (Westboro Baptist Bozos).

The CDM said...

I know, Will. I just had to throw that in there to be silly. I'm still in amazement from that dipshit that can't seem to find out how I keep getting his emails.

On a side note, despicable doucebag Pat Robertson calls for assasinations from time to time on that extended infomercial he calls 700 club. I say let there be a call to assasinate Fred Phelps.

I'm just sayin'...

Sue said...

I was watching the funeral today on C-Span. It was a beautiful touching service for a remarkable wonderful woman. Seems alot of conservative bloggers were saying horrid things about Elizabeth too. WHY?? They hate strong women that's why. They like their women submissive and timid I guess, sorta like Laura Bush. They think she's the best thing since sliced bread. That's bad of me. I don't want to stoop to their immaturity. I like Laura Bush...

The CDM said...

Sue - I think they were saying those things because they are THAT poisoned by their biases. It's things like that, that are contributing to this country getting further and further apart, socially and politically speaking.

Of course, the same could be said for me by taunting that tea bagger that continues to send me shit. Key word there, "could".

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

I'm a moderate who likes both Laura Bush AND Elizabeth Edwards. 2 very classy ladies, IMO.

JL said...

I'm afraid that sending Phelps to his literal hell would only serve to make him a martyr. These people (well hell, it's a cult) are seriously tore-up crazy. If you've ever seen the footage of his daughter Shirley singing her own little takeoff on "Crazy Train" you'll know what I mean.

A lot of so-called "Christians" will outwardly express their disdain for the Westboro clan--claiming that they make "real" Christians look bad. Sadly, it has been my experience that they're just a bit more subtle.