Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Cigarette Smokers on Campus

While going to my classes I have to walk the campus sidewalks like everyone else. What pisses me off is the fact that there will always be some asshole with an uncontrollable urge to smoke and walk at the same time in front of me. I thought of an idea, if they want free range with tobacco products how about I take up chewing tobacco and while I walk to class, when some jackass blows smoke in my face, I spit my tobacco juice in theirs. Sounds fair to me. Cigarette smokers, in general, are selfish individuals. They feel the need to feed their habit regardless of the ramifications on others around them. Suicide is a selfish act, the fact that they do it slowly is just semantics. Smokers come up with all the excuses in the world for why they have the right to inflict their air pollution on someone. The fact that they have to make excuses and not give answers shows their guilt. Anyone who has a clue can tell the difference between an answer and an excuse. Point, there is no answer for smoking...PERIOD!


Anonymous said...

If you want me to move when I see your car, why don't YOU move when you see a smoker? JACKASS!!!!

The CDM said...

WOW! Thanks for proving my point, on 2 fronts. First, I wonder if you saw my point about picking a fight on the internet? Second, the superiority complex of a cigarette smoker. My sympathies to your parents and family.

Anonymous said...

Gee, the guy walking right in front of me is smoking. Wonder if I should speed up and pass him, or wait 5 seconds until he's farther ahead. No, I got it, I'll just continue to walk a few steps behind him so I have something to bitch about!

Here's you sign....

The CDM said...

If you have ever tried to walk on campus when it's busy, you can't just pass with about being incredibly rude, surely you can relate. By the way, you can have your sign back. Ho hum, how much more do you have?

Anonymous said...

I understand your concerns about smoking, but please try to realize that not all smokers are inconsiderate bastards. I smoke on a campus here in town, and I do everything I possibly can to make sure that I am not bothering those around me that do not smoke. I do not smoke while walking, for I do realize that the smoke trailing from my cigarette might bother someone walking in my vicinity. When I am outside smoking, I always go to an out of the way area designated for smokers, and make sure that that area is not near a door or other place where non-smokers may congregate. If the ashtrays are near doors, I always extinguish my cigarette before I have to take the butt to the ashtray near doors. Some of are trying to be considerate.

The CDM said...

If what you are saying is genuine, you are one of those very few and I mean very few who would be an exception. I'll even go this far and say thank you for your efforts, not just in what you are doing to be considerate on campus, but for putting together a good reply to my post. This is the kind of feedback that I like. You obviously don't fit in the same category as those previous nimrods. Again, thanks for your input.