Sunday, June 28, 2009

...And Billy Mays Makes 4.

I'm saddened by the loss of Oxyclean commercials in the near future. I get so tired of hearing the "they die in 3's" thing about celebrity deaths. I counter with the argument that they die in ones, anyone care to challenge this theory? I seriously doubt that there is a mystical force at work with the "3's" theory. If so, who really makes that call? I can see and hear the Grim Reaper now saying to himself, "Okay, Farrah had her time, but she was being a bit of a diva at the end. How do I rain on her parade?...I know, I've had my scythe on Jacko for a while, that'll do the trick, I don't think I could live through another farewell tour from anyone else this year."

I am the Complaint Department Manager and I approve this message of death.


Anonymous said...

Actully, he makes 5...don't forget the guy who killed himself for sexual reasons!

JL said...

Billy, impressionist Fred Travelena, and 50's sitcom star Gale Storm...that's the second "three!"

Anonymous said...

It's a 6 pack! Plus 1!

dr sardonicus said...

I was about to question Billy Mays' status as a celebrity. But thanks to JL, I see that it was three from the "A" list, and three from the "B" list. The theory still holds.